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Monday, August 16, 2010

How to find the Patch Set Version that has been applied on your Oracle_Home

For the OAS 10g release you can run the following.

cd $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home

$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java -jar  oc4j.jar -version
Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g (  (build RELEASE.26167)

or you can also do

cd $ORACLE_HOME/inventory/ContentsXML

cat comps.xml | grep patchset

This shows the o/p as

cat comps.xml | grep patchset
<PATCHSET NAME="" VER="" BUILD_NUMBER="0" RELEASE="Production" INV_LOC="PatchSets/" XML_INV_LOC="PatchSets21/" ACT_INST_VER="" DEINST_VER="" INSTALL_TIME="2009.Mar.17 09:21:56 IST">
      <INFO NAME="helpDir" VAL="PatchSets/oracle/as/j2ee/patchset/v10_1_3_4_0/help/"/>
      <INFO NAME="resourceClass" VAL=""/>
      <REF NAME="" VER="" HOME_IDX="5"/>

For the FMW 11g release perform the following

cd $ORACLE_HOME/inventory/ContentsXML

cat comps.xml | grep patchset

This shows the o/p as

<PATCHSET NAME="" VER="" BUILD_NUMBER="0" RELEASE="Production" INV_LOC="PatchSets/" XML_INV_LOC="PatchSets21/" ACT_INST_VER="" DEINST_VER="" INSTALL_TIME="2010.Aug.06 21:53:00 IST">
      <INFO NAME="helpDir" VAL="PatchSets/oracle/as/soa/top/patchset/v11_1_1_3_0/help/"/>
      <INFO NAME="resourceClass" VAL=""/>
      <REF NAME="" VER="" HOME_IDX="5"/>

For the DB you can issue the command ,

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus and note down the version details for example ,

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Aug 16 14:24:29 2010

or you can connect to the DB and find out the version details.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

How to Install WebLogic Standalone Server

1. Download the WebLogic stand alone zip file from the location ,

2. Extract this zip to a directory say C:\wlsdev

3. Set the following env variables

set JAVA_HOME=C:\jdk16
set MW_HOME=c:\wlsdev

4. Run the installation configuration script in the MW_HOME directory
(This step is required to be run only once. If you move the installation to
another location/machine, you need to rerun this step)  configure.cmd
5. Create the domain using the script by running the utility


6. Create a domain say testdomain in the directory

7. Start the WLS server by running the command
