I have a domain with the name test_domain on my Windows machine , here I have one managed server with some applications deployed.
I would like to move this domain from this machine to the other machine.
On Windows machine use the command pack.cmd to create the domain template
pack.cmd -domain=E:\bea\user_projects\domains\test_domain -template=C:\bea\user_templates\test_domain.jar -template_name="My WebLogic Test Domain"
Now move the test_domain.jar to the linux machine.
On the linux machine run the unpack.sh command to create the domain
unpack.sh -template=/home/ias/test_domain.jar -domain=/home/ias/bea/user_projects/domains/test_domain
After this go to the directory and run the command ,
cd /home/ias/bea/user_projects/domains/test_domain/bin
startManagedWebLogic.sh test http://localhost:7001