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Friday, March 09, 2012

How to measure the time it takes to load a web page


Many times you need to find out the how long a web page takes to load when troubleshooting performance related

Here are the steps that you can use with the WebLogic Server 11g.

Home >Summary of Servers >AdminServer
Click on Loggin TAB -> HTTP and go to the Advanced Options

Select the Format as "Extended"
and add the field " time-taken" to the Extended Logging Format Fields.
For example after adding it will be
"date time cs-method cs-uri sc-status time-taken"

After this you need to restart the Server ,

This is the WLST script to do the same ,

connect('weblogic', 'Welcome1', 't3://localhost:7001')

cmo.setELFFields('date time cs-method cs-uri sc-status time-taken')


After this you need to restart the Server ,

Check the access_log file entries ,

2012-03-09      14:19:16        GET     /em/faces/targetauth/emasLogin?target=Farm_soa_domain&type=oracle_ias_farm&FromContextInitFilter=true&_afrLoop=18992901037066&_afrWindowMode=0&_afrWindowId=null    200     0.066
2012-03-09      14:19:20        GET     /em/LoginStatusServlet?loginReqTime4emas=rlt_1331282958512_0.31560349677888955  2000.0040

The last column indicates the time.

You can measure the timings from browser also ,

for this use the FireFox version > 4.0 , here you can use the Tools-> Web Console or Tools -> Web Developer -> Web Console option.

Or you can use the fiddler tool to measure the time it takes to load web page ,
download the fiddler from ,

Fiddle tool can be used with IE or firefox.

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