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Thursday, April 06, 2017

How to debug OSB server remotely from Jdeveloper

How to debug OSB server remotely from Jdeveloper
For this you need to have a domain created in Development Mode and also if possible create a compact domain.

once this is done identify the DEBUG Port for OSB ,

cd /fmw11g/soa12212/user_projects/domains/osb_domain_cd/bin

find . -name "*" -print | xargs grep -i -l ALSB_DEBUG

find . -name "*" -print | xargs grep -i -l ALSB_DEBUG | xargs cat | grep ALSB_DEBUG

This shows the port as 7453. This is the remote port for the OSB.

Not down the machine name and the above port number.

Open the OSB project in jDeveloper and deploy this project.

Open the pipe line in OSB and set a break point

Right Click on the Project -> Project Properties
Click on Run/Debug 

Create a new Configuration with the name as OSB 

Ensure that remote debugging is set 

Specify the hostname and port

Click on OK and close the dialog boxes.

Click on OSB project 

Now this show's a dialog with debug port and hostname 

Click on OK and invoke the OSB Flow from SOAP UI or from the SB Console.

Now you can do single stepping and watch the variables etc.

Tags: Publish
April 06, 2017 at 12:57PM
Open in Evernote

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