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Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Change the MFT Source and Target Password's using WLST

Change the MFT Source and Target Password's using WLST

Use the WLST command , exportDeployedArtifact

The following example exports a SOURCE artifact called order-file-src with the label soa_mft-2012-12-07 22:24:09.383 to /export/
exportDeployedArtifact('SOURCE', 'order-file-src', 'soa_mft-2012-12-07 22:24:09.383', '/export/

To find out the label Go to MFT Console and click on monitoring TAB and select Source and Target check boxes and click on MFT Source

and select the source and click on the button show details 

Make a note of the string soa_mft-2018-04-04 12:11:29.265 and use this to export the source file 

for example , 

cd  $ORACLE_HOME/mft/common/bin
connect('weblogic', 'Welcome1', 't3://localhost:7001')
exportDeployedArtifact('SOURCE', 'source-name', 'soa_mft-2018-04-04 12:11:29.265', '/tmp/')

Open the file mft\source\so_e801f00a-a2d8-4ded-a4fa-36c657c2d61b.xml

Locate the password , make a note of it , for example in this case it is 


Now use the wlst command 

cd  $ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin

connect('weblogic', 'Welcome1', 't3://localhost:7001')
updateCred(map="mftapp", key="pw_key_dabf076a-306a-4cb2-85f5-d165df53bd84", user="pw_key_dabf076a-306a-4cb2-85f5-d165df53bd84", password="password-new" , desc="Updated by ...")

Tags: Publish
April 25, 2018 at 02:13PM
Open in Evernote

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