Use the command to
C:\cygwin64\bin\gawk '{print $7}' E:\tars-download\osb_server2_access.log | C:\cygwin64\bin\sort.exe | C:\cygwin64\bin\uniq.exe -c | C:\cygwin64\bin\sort.exe -nr | head -20
These are the top 20 Proxy services that are called multiple times
20618 /xxx
20533 /xxx1
15022 /xxx3
Tags: Publish
September 18, 2018 at 11:55AM
Open in Evernote
1 comment:
According to Stanford Medical, It is indeed the ONLY reason women in this country live 10 years longer and weigh an average of 19 KG lighter than we do.
(And by the way, it is not about genetics or some secret diet and absolutely EVERYTHING to do with "how" they eat.)
BTW, What I said is "HOW", and not "WHAT"...
Tap on this link to determine if this easy quiz can help you find out your real weight loss possibility
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