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Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Setup XMail Server on Windows

Please refer to the link for more details on this.

Here are the simplified steps to configure the XMail Server’s on Windows Machine

1. Download the XMail Server from     

2. Extract this to a directory say C:\xmail-1.27

3. Copy the exe’s and dll’s to C:\xmail-1.27\MailRoot\bin directory

4. Create the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\GNU\XMAIL. Create the Sting (REG_SZ) values called MAIL_ROOT and MAIL_CMD_LINE. For the value of MAIL_ROOT put in the "MailRoot folder" location like C:\xmail-1.27\MailRoot. For MAIL_CMD_LINE you can leave it blank or put in "-Pl -Sl -Ql -Fl -Cl -Ll"


5. Here we are using the default domain , that is xmailserver.test , so no need to modify the configuration files.

6. Run xmcrypt.exe to create an encoded password. It's used in the format of XMCRYPT.EXE <password>.

xmcrypt.exe welcome1


7. Open the file C:\xmail-1.27\MailRoot\ and enter the following values "admin" <tab>   "120009060a080054"

8.  User and alias creation

Check the domain

ctrlclnt -s localhost -u admin -p welcome1 domainlist "xmailserver.test"

Create two domain users

ctrlclnt -s localhost -u admin -p welcome1 useradd "xmailserver.test" test1 welcome1 U
ctrlclnt -s localhost -u admin -p welcome1 useradd "xmailserver.test" test2 welcome1 U

Check the users

ctrlclnt -s localhost -u admin -p welcome1 userlist "xmailserver.test"

Create aliases for these two users

ctrlclnt -s localhost -u admin -p welcome1  aliasadd  "xmailserver.test" test1 ravi1
ctrlclnt -s localhost -u admin -p welcome1  aliasadd  "xmailserver.test" test2 ravi2

Check the aliases for these users

ctrlclnt -s localhost -u admin -p welcome1 aliaslist

9. Set up the POP3 email server and SMTP Outgoing server from Thunderbird. For the POP3 accounts set the SMTP Server as the localhost:25


1 comment:

Simha said...

Hey Ravi, I am working on an assignment, and I would like to see if we can hook up for a quick chat. It is interesting considering I need to trouble an application that sends emails to XMail, from a custom application. Let me know if we can connect. I am available by email at, I can provide my phone number over email. You help is greatly appreciated.